7 Ways the NT TransLine Will Help You

The New Testament TransLine is a combination of a TRANS-lation and an out-LINE. It is a literal translation arranged in outline format so as to visually display the flow of thought contained in the Greek words. This book is the ‘study version’ of the Disciples’ Literal New Testament. Special features accomplish this– features not seen in other translations or used differently than other translations:

Overview. Each book begins with an overview outline that directly corresponds to the text that follows. And the words of the outline are taken directly from the words of the biblical writer. This top down view helps you stay on track as you read the individual verses and phrases.

Outline format. Each book displays the NT text in a detailed outline format reflecting the Apostles’ flow of thought. This visual display of the points and sub-points helps you follow the thinking of the biblical writer.

Literal translation. The New Testament TransLine is a literal translation from the Greek corresponding as precisely to the original Greek words and grammar as possible in a readable English translation. Words not in the Greek are in italics or in [brackets]. Words emphasized in the Greek are in bold. This helps you see exactly what was written by the biblical author.

Notes on alternate meanings of a Greek word. These notes flesh out the meaning of a Greek word by giving you other ways it can be translated in the verse. They help you see the range of English nuances encompassed by the Greek word.

Notes on word usage. All the places over 3200 Greek words are used in the New Testament are listed. And all the different ways each Greek word is translated in those places. This covers 59% of the New Testament vocabulary. Now you can confirm the translation of a word by checking all the places it is used. This will help you gain valuable insight into the meaning and usage of Greek words. And you can do this without knowing any Greek!

Notes on interpretation. These explain the meaning of a word or phrase or verse where needed. And they list the different interpretations made of a particular passage when opinions differ. This will help deepen your understanding.

Notes on textual variants. These provide the English translation of over 3000 textual variants in the Greek manuscripts that lie behind all English translations. This information will help you understand many of the differences between our various translations.