Eternal Life Matters!

Let’s talk about Eternal Life

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Nothing matters more than our eternal destiny! You can promote this message with a hat or shirt or tract. Take your stand! Make a statement everywhere you go!

If you would like to buy an Eternal Life Matters hat or t-shirt, click here. On this site you can customize your hat or shirt color, size and design as you wish, or select from any other hat or t-shirt they have– men’s and women’s. Here’s how. Once you click Buy Now, click Customize This Product to change colors etc. Then click See All Caps (or T-shirts) at the bottom if you want to change to one of their other products. I have waived all my sales commission to reduce your cost. No money comes to me. You buy direct and it is shipped by them to you.

Print your own Eternal Life Matters two-sided tracts here

Side 1: Nothing Matters More Than Your Eternal Destiny, wouldn’t you agree?

Side 2: Eternal Life Matters! God will give eternal life to any person who chooses to become a member of His family.     

We have to choose this?  Yes. God won’t force anyone, but He will adopt you into His family if you choose to love Him.

How do I love Him? God says that we love Him by giving His son Jesus Christ first place in our life and following His example of love for others.

What do you mean give Him first place?  God made this very simple: Believe Jesus is the Son of God come to earth, accept what He did for you, turn from your sins, and live for Him wholeheartedly every day as He directs you. 

What did Jesus do for me? He paid the death penalty required for your sins, and rose from the dead to open the door for you to be adopted into God’s family and share eternal life with Him.

Turn from what sins? What do you mean by sin? God says all behaviors that are contrary to His character or fall short of His standards are sins. Our Creator makes the rules.

What do you mean live for Him every day?  God will guide you. Follow Him! Read what He says in the Bible about how to live and ask Him to help you do what He says.  

What if I don’t understand what the Bible says?  God’s family will support you. Connect with His other children who are trying to believe and live as He says in the Bible.  

Our Creator Matters Most! Choose to believe Him! Choose to know and love Him! Choose to live for Him! Choose eternal life! You matter to Him!

Partner with me!

Be my partner in encouraging others to make this ice breaking Gospel proclamation wherever they go. Become a sowing partner who orders hats or clothing for your church or group and gives them out! Or become a giving partner for your church or group who pays for these items so they can be given out for free! Advance His kingdom!